
Best odds in roulette depend on the strategy used by the player

If you are still wondering how to play roulette to earn money, read, check and accept the following facts:

  • The roulette ball has no memory.
  • Each roulette rotation is independent of all previous events.
  • Falling to red right now does not guarantee falling out of black the next time.
  • Moreover, the occurrence of three reds in a row does not guarantee black for the fourth time, and does not even increase the likelihood of black.
  • Wheel in different types of roulette may differ, which should be taken into account.

Definitions of all roulette bets

The main strategy, which is widespread, is to double the rate after losing. With this system, bets are usually placed on black or red; this system is known as Martingale. The idea of a roulette win system is that by doubling the bet after losing, the player will win enough to cover all past losses plus win one bet.

For example, if a player starts with a bet of $ 1 and loses four bets ($ 1 + $ 2 + $ 4 + $ 8 = $ 15) and then wins the fifth one gets $ 16. Losses are covered, and a win of $ 1 remains. Knowing how to get the best odds in roulette a player will be able to maximize his chances of winning.

Probability of winning

The problem is such that losing a number of bets in a row is much easier than ever, and the player will not have enough money for another bet. To confirm this fact, a specialized program was created that qualitatively imitated two gaming systems: a martingale system and a fixed-rate betting system. Any bet was the line of passage in the game (the probability of winning is about 49%).

Martingale started with a bet of $ 1 and had a bank of $ 255, which was enough to lose eight cash bets. A player with the Martingale system will bet 100 money bets, of course, he will not lose all the money earlier (in this case, the game ends for him). A player with a fixed rate will bet $ 1,100 times in a row. After each experiment, the player’s net profit will be recorded. The best chances of playing roulette allow you to play and get a stable win.

Computer modeling is now used by professionals in almost all areas of life, in almost every field of research, but when it comes to modeling simple things like playing roulette or craps, computer analysis systems in their opinion suddenly become “useless and unreliable.” Such excuses are unacceptable. To answer what are the best odds in roulette, you will need to solve a lot of questions and consider various game strategies. If the betting system does not work in computer simulation, it will not work in a casino.

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